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Перевод: discourteous speek discourteous

невоспитанный; невежливый; неучтивый


  1. I said that it would be unkind and discourteous to decline a visit, but I could not for the life of me see how I could help him where persons of much greater power were impotent.
  2. But it would be discourteous to say so, and he merely smiled with his full lips, in the way he was presently to smile at Dinah Asshe herself, after they had played and sung.
  3. (It is true that to say women could at the time, and even today for many people, be regarded as discourteous.)
  4. Female respondents also complained that men drive too fast and are often very discourteous to others.
  5. Usually Artai behaved like a fractious child, his temper uncertain, his demeanour abrupt and discourteous.
  6. My inclination was to decline, but as that would have been discourteous in the extreme to Wilson, for whom I then had enormous respect, I agreed to see him.
  7. "Agreement was reached that, rather than play an anthem for one team and not the other, which would have been discourteous to the visiting team, no anthems at all would be played.
  8. "Impatient" was the key word - noted by 74 per cent of respondents, followed by "too fast", "aggressive", "arrogant" and "discourteous".
  9. She was going to edge him into a situation where it would be openly discourteous to refuse her, and nothing in his education or his upbringing had prepared him to be discourteous to anyone, least of all a woman.
  10. "It was a move which was discourteous to the House and an abuse of the procedures of the House."
  11. Back in the city there were thousand of people doomed, dying and all unnecessarily because here was plenty, here was sufficient for the whole city and possibly the greatest sin that you and I can be guilty of and that the church is generally guilty of, but you know when we talk about the church generally its, its so easy because that's general, you and I that are the church, not the denomination, not the organization, it you and I, possibly the greatest sin that we can be guilty of is the sin of silence, I'm not talking now about a rude, belligerent, discourteous, butting hole, button holding of people, I'm not talking about that, I don't see any place in gods word for that sort of attitude or that sort of approach but are we still silent, what about with those with whom we have the right, because we've created a relationship, because they know us and they've seen us and they've seen the experiences we've gone through and they've seen what god has done in our lives, what about with those people do we wait for others to do it, shifting the responsibility.
  12. "Yet this is discourteous of me," he said, "when you have saved me from a "messy end".

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