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Перевод: discoverer speek discoverer



  1. He was himself the first discoverer of that "morbidity of temperament".
  2. These steeply-inclined belts or zones of earthquake sites are known now to exist all round the Pacific; they are called Benioff zones, after their discoverer, the seismologist Hugo Benioff.
  3. The discoverer - reputedly Ingolfur Arnarson after whom a fine peak near ingvellir and Inglfshfdi is named - called the country "Iceland" because of the ice he found there; this created the first half-truth about the islands of the north.
  4. But the expedition's leader and the discoverer of the tablets, Mr Gene Savoy, is a respected figure in the world of archaeology who is credited with the location of 43 previously unknown Inca cities in Peru.
  5. The discoverer and producer of the English folk-rock group Fairport Convention, Boyd also collaborated with Stanley Kubrick on the soundtrack for A Clockwork Orange.
  6. This makes me wonder if it is the creative thought that guides the discoverer or whether it is the emotion that is the creative force that impels him to the solution.
  7. J.B. follows owner of coat and discoverer of 8 across (6,9).
  8. Both the oceanic and the continental crust are separated from the underlying mantle by a sort of boundary, or discontinuity, known after its Yugoslavian discoverer as the Mohorovicic discontinuity, or Moho for short.
  9. It would probably be unfair to single out a single worker as the "discoverer" of Plate Tectonics, but the term "plates" was first used by an American, W. Jason Morgan, who was following up earlier work by J. Tuzo Wilson of Toronto University.
  10. In 1893 America was ready to see Columbus as the great discoverer, the man who laid the foundations for a nation of bold entrepreneurs.
  11. Cornish celebrities of his acquaintance included John Couch Adams, discoverer of the planet Neptune, and Mary Kelynack, renowned as the lady who, at the age of eighty, walked from Newlyn to London and back to see the Great Exhibition of 1851.
  12. On a bare peninsula between the coast and the River Garnock, west of Irvine, is the site chosen by Alfred Nobel, the Swedish discoverer of dynamite and founder of the Nobel Prizes, for an 1873 explosives factory.
  13. Before the patient left St Mary's Hospital, a leading article headed "Penicillium" appeared in The Times and a few days later a letter was published from Sir Almroth Wright claiming Fleming as the discoverer of penicillin.

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