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Перевод: discretion speek discretion

осторожность ; осмотрительность ; благоразумие; усмотрение; свобода действий


  1. He asked for streamlined procedures to sift out frivolous applications and allow individual board members greater discretion to reduce the number of full hearings.
  2. It retains the flexibility necessary to meet changing circumstances, and allows appropriate discretion to doctors without sacrificing its adherence to fundamental principles.
  3. The discretion to refuse relief (or leave under RSC Ord. 53) raises a number of very important issues.
  4. Discretion in law enforcement could be a two-edged weapon.
  5. The waiters, and particularly the wine waiters, are so beautifully trained that you notice only their discretion and skill - you hardly even see them filling your glass or taking your plate.
  6. The Man Who Shot Powell Discretion
  7. Commission on small sales is charged at discretion.
  8. The tribunal will also have considerable discretion in deciding whether or not the reasons given are adequate.
  9. Alas, their discretion cost them their lives."
  10. Deciding that discretion was the better part of valour, Davidson began: "Aidan, you probably like a few pints?"
  11. Coaches will be parked in these streets under the discretion of the Police and will remain in situ until passengers return after the performance.
  12. He did not wish to upset people; he saw the need for discretion.
  13. The bulk of the transfers have been made to the governments of the less developed regions to be used at their own discretion.

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