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Перевод: disloyalty speek disloyalty

нелояльность ; неверность ; вероломство; предательство


  1. More concern was caused by the abolition of free trade unionism in the GCHQ security establishment at Cheltenham; this appeared to equate trade unionism with disloyalty, even treason.
  2. I could not bear any imputation of disloyalty to my second husband.
  3. Aware that he might have only one chance, and uncertain whether his support was sufficiently strong to withstand accusations of breaking his word and of disloyalty, he kept his options open by writing a public letter to his constituency party association (a traditional device for signalling dissent) in which he was highly critical of Mrs Thatcher's leadership style and her stance on Europe.
  4. It lays down that loyalty to the nation - and in established States, the State - ought to take priority over all other loyalties, including that to the family, and that the crime of disloyalty is treason, the punishment for which is frequently death (that is, the nation has the power of life and death over its members).
  5. What disloyalty is this?
  6. He pleaded, hardly sounding like the tough guy the public identified him with, "Surely there must be some way for a person falsely accused of disloyalty to clear his name once and for all?
  7. As a result of this disloyalty, and his refusal to appear at three imperial diets, he was banished from the empire and his dominions were distributed among other princes and powerful vassals loyal to Barbarossa.
  8. Golf: Organisers accuse Faldo of "disloyalty"
  9. "Disloyalty is disloyalty.
  10. Disloyalty, subterfuge, inefficiency: these he had once rectified; now he punished.
  11. Its loyalty was to contrast favourably with American disloyalty five years later during the Suez crisis.
  12. And then on 10 April 1544 came Henry's chilling order to his brother-in-law Edward, earl of Hertford, to put all to fire and sword, burn Edinburgh town, so razed and defaced when you have sacked and gotten what ye can of it, as there may remain forever a perpetual memory of the vengeance of God lightened upon (them) for their falsehood and disloyalty and as many towns and villages about Edinburgh as ye may conveniently, sack Leith and burn and subvert it and all the rest, putting man, woman and child to fire and sword, without exception where any resistance shall be made against you; and this done, pass over to the Fifeland and extend like extremities and destructions in all towns and villages whereunto you may reach conveniently, not forgetting among all the rest so to spoil and turn upside down the Cardinal's town of St Andrews, as the upper stone may be the nether, and not one stick stand by another, sparing no creature alive within the same

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