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Перевод: dispensary speek dispensary

аптека ; амбулатория ; диспансер


  1. A doctor was also gunned down at his dispensary at Hakmana, in the south.
  2. As we walked back to the dispensary he asked me, almost casually, yet in a way trying to find out how much I knew, "Tell me, what's the extent of your knowledge of polio?"
  3. A social studies programme must suggest the use of resources such as the market, the shop, the dispensary or the roadside, even though its makers may be aware that a very large number of deep rural schools have none of these resources at hand.
  4. Along one wall was a big cupboard with double doors, warped with heat and humidity and bearing the word Dispensary .
  5. He also ran the medical dispensary at General MacArthur headquarters in Tokio during the US occupation of Japan.
  6. Though I remained in the garden or the dispensary, helping some of the less sick patients, I saw Reid beckon Purvis inside, later, give him some pills, and then slip the man some money.
  7. After a second beer, Dr Reid prepared to leave, explaining that he was going to the dispensary.
  8. The chemist drew a chair from his dispensary at the rear of the shop and put it down beside the soaps and talcum powders, the bath salts and the loofahs.
  9. Yet even so, the dispensary was busy every day, and we did have a great deal of work, dealing with the humdrum, everyday ailments - yaws, measles, "flu and accidents - accepted by the Polynesians with a philosophical resignation, as though they were saying, "This is the price we pay for living in paradise."
  10. Lastly, there is a "Catalogue of large Trees which are admitted in the London Dispensary, but generally grow too large to be admitted into small gardens".
  11. The community's good works included the maintenance of a dispensary, where the ladies dressed "very noisesome sores and wounds" and applied home-made salves and plasters.
  12. A 350 Rottweiler pup sold to a family who already have to rely on the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals for treatment on the Great Dane some other twit sold them, because they can't afford the vet's fees?
  13. He indicated a large parcel and, as I nodded, said, "I'll send them straight round to the dispensary."

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