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Перевод: dissatisfied speek dissatisfied

неудовлетворенный; недовольный; раздосадованный


  1. But, on the other hand, they ranged to the equally fervent, though dissatisfied Masden, the Jesuit who described the earlier works as catalogues of the "perfidy, perjury and brazen deeds of Rodrigo Diaz."
  2. Naturally, I'm dissatisfied with how I look, not because I'm stupid and impressionable but because so many images of beautiful young women around make me feel self-conscious, constantly aware of myself.
  3. A National Consumer Council report suggests that only 31% of council and housing associations tenants were satisfied with the way in which their complaints were handled, and that one in six tenants dissatisfied with the service provided by their landlord had not made a complaint at all.
  4. If you are losing children do spend time with the dissatisfied parents to explore not just the event that has brought the situation to a head but dig deep for other areas of dissatisfaction, hostility or conflict.
  5. If you are dissatisfied with the results, don't hesitate to enlist the help of our representative, who will also advise you on which local customs need to be respected.
  6. It is assumed that de Reszke was dissatisfied with test-pressings; at any rate, neither was issued.
  7. In the Kandyan Kingdom dissatisfied persons could take cases to more formal courts.
  8. In July 1919, the Leeds City full-back Charles Copeland, dissatisfied with his contract, reported the club to the authorities.
  9. It was shortly after his time at Oxford, on his first journey to the Continent, that Hobbes found that others were dissatisfied with scholasticism; and we have already noted that an interest in method was characteristic of the seventeenth century.
  10. In similar circumstances in previous elections the dissatisfied Tories would have given the Liberals and the Social Democrats the benefit of their protest.
  11. Like Hannah she is angry at the ideal presented to her by the advertising world, as she feels it has nothing to do with her, yet still has the power to make her feel dissatisfied.
  12. The cosmetic industry is bizarre because it is run by men who create needs that don't exist, making women feel incredibly dissatisfied with their bodies.
  13. Of claimants who had a clinical examination, 90% were satisfied while 7% were dissatisfied - mainly due to a perceived lack of thoroughness.

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