d da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dr ds dt du dw dx dy dz

Перевод: dissipating



  1. The biggest danger is that of applying too much pitch at this point, causing the model to gain height again while dissipating all the useful blade energy.
  2. Witches, for example, have a series of rites aimed at achieving this result, including the casting of the "magic circle" to keep the power from dissipating.
  3. More use today is being made of the aspersion method, a system of dissipating the freezing effect of frost by spraying the vines with water.
  4. "I saw a man dissipating so much affection for his country and his associates", said Hakim, struggling to explain to a New York lawyer his bad case of "love at first sight", "that the radiation of that love - it really immediately penetrated through my system."
  5. The transformer unit, when Zener stabilized, goes on dissipating full power.
  6. The huge ears of the African elephant not only act as fans to cool its body but form a radiator for dissipating heat through their network of small veins.
  7. One has low power requirements, thereby dissipating little heat, the other has high-density circuitry.
  8. These include landscapes (surfaces with D-;2.2), networks of rivers (D-;2), lung branches (D-;2.9), and blood vessels (D-;3), cloud perimeters (curves with D-;1.3), places where energy is dissipating in turbulent fluids (D-;2.55) and, on the largest scales, the hierarchies of clusters and superclusters of galaxies (dusts with D-;1.23).
  9. By dissipating this investment she made her first, and her greatest political error.
  10. Some of the main factors behind weakness last year, such as high oil prices and high consumer and corporate debt, were dissipating he said.
  11. Don't go about much; no late returning in crowded streets from Earl's Court or elsewhere; no dissipating jabber and smoking and drinking with the Andrews where Helen was employed.
  12. Integrating life-energy assumes a clockwise spiral or vortex, and dissipating energies move anticlockwise.
  13. As for last week's increase in interest rates, which he endorsed, Mr Heseltine said: "We must not let the medicine drag out, dissipating our economic strength and dispersing our political support."

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