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Перевод: divisive speek divisive

разделяющий; сеющий распри; вызывающий разногласия


  1. The relationship with Callaghan, who freely confesses he found the Queen's advice highly supportive, was easier not only because his policies were less socially divisive, but also because, taken to its philosophical conclusion, the Thatcherite dream of a dynamic, enterprise-based meritocracy had no place for a family which reigned simply by blood-right.
  2. The formalization of learning was not only unnecessary and inhibiting, but politically divisive.
  3. He has a record of consistent and fierce opposition to racialism, the death penalty and, in 1981, the Government's "economically divisive" policy.
  4. receiving secondary education was checked by the presence of a divisive system of private education with few parallels in other countries.
  5. The potentially most divisive argument will be about who should be in charge during the dangerous period ahead.
  6. Methodist leaders sought the meeting with Mrs Thatcher after a resolution passed at the Methodist Conference in June last year, which declared outrage at the divisive effects of government policy.
  7. It was egalitarian and free from the weakening and divisive influence of the Roman world and of urban society.
  8. It is permanently divisive, as well as educationally mean and unadventurous, to establish deliberately a kind of school within which the curriculum is so inward-looking that those who followed it could not, for example, hope to proceed to higher education or ultimately into one of the professions.
  9. The WRU was riven, by the league issue, even before the divisive South African centenary celebrations - which distracted Ryan, his players and the Welsh public from their main business, trying to do the impossible against the All Blacks.
  10. Even if BZW now gets its core equity business on a sounder footing, it still has two potentially divisive problems.
  11. There have been frequent demands for a single system and investigations of its possibility; for after the introduction and spread of comprehensive schools it was clearly both inconvenient and divisive that pupils within the same school should be classified either as fit to take the GCE or fit only for the CSE.
  12. The Hurd scheme was "elitist and discriminatory", not to say "unreasonable, unworkable, invidious and divisive", for Mr Kaufman never uses one adjective where one hundred will do.
  13. A recent Government statement following the controversy surrounding Salman Rushdie's novel The Satantic Verses stated that blasphemy prosecutions would be "damaging, divisive and inappropriate."

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