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Перевод: dune speek dune



  1. A series of three reports on sand dune machair (Ranwell, 1974, 1977 1980) contain a great deal of additional information on this particular botanical habitat.
  2. The raw dune elements are colonised by northern marram grass dune pasture (Robertson, 1984) dominated by marram grass ( Ammophila arenaria ), with eyebright-red fescue dune pasture on the more stable soils with incipient A horizon development.
  3. Occupying the zone behind the dune systems, on gently undulating to level land below 20 metres elevation, are freely drained, brown calcareous soils and calcareous regosols, where the water-table lies below soil profile depth.
  4. Machair and associated dune systems
  5. Firstly, active and stabilised dune systems with irregular or moundy landforms comprise dune ridges and hillocks up to 30 metres high but, more usually, 5 metres high and 10 to 20 metres broad with intervening hollows and channels.
  6. The machair and dune systems developed contemporaneously with the extensive peat cover which dominates the landscapes, particularly in Lewis and North Uist.
  7. This might be regarded either as a kind of dune slack or as a type of poor fen.
  8. I went a little ahead, drawn towards a huge black sand dune on the island's top.
  9. Lastly, windblown sand has accumulated up to a height of 150 metres, where rock-cored hills with gentle slopes lie close to beach or eroding dune areas which furnish a steady supply of sand.
  10. The machairs, gently undulating shell sand deposits, and their associated dune systems cover about 120 square kilometres and occupy long stretches of the western sea-board of South Uist, Benbecula and North Uist.
  11. From an ecological point of view the maritime, calcareous dune and pasture areas provide zones of exceptional richness and diversity; a diversity that is enhanced by the system of non-intensive agriculture (Roberts, Kerr and Seaton, 1959) and the close juxtaposition of moorland, loch and marshland habitats.
  12. He carried a pale bone which he kept throwing out into the dune for the terrier to retrieve.

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