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Перевод: edification speek edification

назидание; наставление


  1. There was a fluency and an edification and upbuilding such as I have seldom seen.
  2. He also put more emphasis on public worship, prayers, and the sacraments than most of his contemporaries, and played down the role of preaching as a means of edification; for these reasons, Hooker has been seen by some ecclesiastical historians such as Peter Lake as "close to the ideological origins of Arminianism".
  3. At Corinth St Paul found the phenomenon deeply divisive and productive of censoriousness; he taught the Corinthian church that the authenticity of a gift of the Spirit should be tested by whether or not it contributed to love and edification of the community as a whole.
  4. He'd repeat it all for Godolphin's edification, especially the cross-questioning about the absentee's whereabouts.
  5. Few literary sources are more revealing of aristocratic culture than the Gesta Consulum Andegavorum and its off shoot the Gesta Ambaziensium Dominorum , produced in the Touraine in the first six decades of the twelfth century, for the pleasure and edification of the counts of Anjou and their castellans, the lords of Amboise.
  6. More broadly, she called on the audience to fight what she called the "ideological pollution" that leads museum administrators to place profit above edification, and concluded by demanding that culture address the individual, not the masses.
  7. Many feminist linguists have unearthed for our edification great piles of conduct and etiquette books telling women what they should talk about, when, how and to whom.
  8. Unlike the mystic, the prophetic visionary believes that he undergoes this fearful experience for the sake of mankind: God does not send these revelations for their own edification but for the sake of their people.
  9. He's not going to warn Shatov or tell the police, he's going to make a statement "for general edification" - words but no deeds, a turn towards sanity and life that might have been , and a horrific-comic Possessed moment of subtlest art.
  10. An account of the last hours and words is written for the edification of those unable to be present.
  11. Words of wisdom from Phillippa Gregory on her particular brand of edification for the masses.
  12. Perhaps even some of his own words about Ceauescu had been translated into the languages spoken in Romania for the edification of Ceauescu's subjects.
  13. Infantilized, she used to appear regularly in hagiographical volumes, especially those designed for the edification of small girls.

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