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Перевод: enthusiast speek enthusiast

энтузиаст ; восторженный человек


  1. He was an early enthusiast for British membership of the European Monetary System and was on the council of the Howard League for Penal Reform from 1977 to 1983.
  2. There are many different products available that can be used by the DIY enthusiast to construct the decorative face of a retaining wall.
  3. She adopted an abrasive stance towards the European Common Market, for which she had never been a strong enthusiast.
  4. Waterproof to a depth of 16 feet, the Weathermatic makes a sturdy companion for the unstoppable outdoor enthusiast.
  5. This is a break with tradition: there is an unwritten law which says sports cars for the "enthusiast" market have rear-wheel drive.
  6. The victims were not just the established railway enthusiast tour operators (all but a handful of which had already been squeezed out) but organisations such as the women's institutes and working men's clubs, whose annual train trips had been a tradition.
  7. The elaborate carving and tiling that clothes most traditional architectural forms; the row of badges and lamps that decorate the grille of an enthusiast's motorcar, the roses and shrubs in front of a suburban house; all act as buffer zones between differing activity spaces.
  8. Many of his views categorize him as a wet - a European enthusiast; against capital punishment; and in favour of sensible abortion laws.
  9. This is not the book of a scholar, as you will soon realize, but that of a genuine enthusiast.
  10. If it's the latter then there was plenty more at the show to warm any enthusiast's heart.
  11. He was an anglophile and an enthusiast of the works of Jeremy Bentham.
  12. For the enthusiast, making a copy of a games program is more fun than playing the game itself.
  13. Because the enthusiast must be constrained, the sceptic must be led.

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