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Перевод: erratic speek erratic

неустойчивый; колеблющийся; рассеянный; неуверенный; странный; беспорядочный; сумасбродный; отклоняющийся от нормы; эксцентричный; блуждающий; эрратический;
эксцентричная личность ; чудак ; эрратический валун


  1. Absorption from such sites is very likely to be erratic, leading to poorly controlled diabetes and possibly unexplained hypoglycaemia.
  2. National emergencies, however, may not necessarily coincide with times of personal emergency and gold is an erratic investment.
  3. Development there has been described by Lehmann as "modernisation with fitful growth", because the expansion of the state apparatus has meant modernisation in terms of growing bureaucracy and an increase in formal, at the expense of clientelist and personal, relationships at work but at the same time agricultural productivity has been erratic (Lehmann 1982).
  4. We are clearly past the worst of the unemployment increases, but we are likely to see some erratic figures for a time."
  5. Alitalia was facing erratic profits, stagnating passenger traffic and heavy competition on its European and long-haul routes, with Verri's predecessor and the president of the state holding wrangling in public.
  6. Ginger's character was too erratic to risk letting her have complete control so Barbara was the appropriate choice.
  7. By contrast to the erratic and often wasteful locomotive policy, BR seemed determined to extract maximum mileage out of its EMU fleet, sometimes moving entire fleets from one line to another.
  8. If I am to find a criticism, it is in the rather erratic organisation of the material.
  9. She's a mad erratic little thing."
  10. And superimposed on all these variations in space and time are the more erratic influences of currents and of the influx of rivers.
  11. Seen from a helicopter it would look like a little lad's still-wet scribble on a sheet of green paper, winding and erratic; drawn with a shaky hand.
  12. The current law of malicious damage produced far too erratic and uncertain results.
  13. A steam engine was installed in 1859 by the Bowly family, who were the millers then, to supplement the sometimes erratic water supply from the River Coln.

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