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Перевод: expelled

изгнанный; высланный


  1. Norland's principal Louise Davis last night confirmed that two girls had been expelled.
  2. If implantation of a fertilized egg does not occur, this lining breaks down and is expelled from the uterus.
  3. The novelist, William Hale White, felt that some of the men he had known before being expelled from a Congregational theological college "would have had more genuine lives if they had stood behind counters or learned some craft than they ever had in the ministry".
  4. UNION leaders yesterday paved the way for the electricians to be readmitted to the TUC - four years after they were expelled.
  5. Arabs who had been expelled from their land and thrust into the condition of Jewish refugees are hereby reformulated as imperialist aggressors and as Nazis.
  6. Students could be expelled on the slightest pretext and their behaviour was closely observed by class monitors and other officials.
  7. Two years earlier, Karl Marx, the father of Scientific Socialism, settled in London having been expelled from Prussia and France.
  8. One Borstal inmate, Rodney Ackland, was expelled from the company when it was discovered that he had written a highbrow play while employed as a BIP screenwriter.
  9. Pupils expelled permanently has also jumped from 73 to 113, in a school population of 220,000.
  10. A three-year study of exclusion trends in Essex, published yesterday by the county educational psychology service, also suggests, in line with national trends, that the numbers being excluded or expelled have risen dramatically.
  11. AT least six of the 415 Palestinians expelled from Israel were wrongly identified, it was claimed yesterday.
  12. If some words are emotionally difficult to form - stay like stones in the throat - a verbal diarrhoea by which every thought and feeling has to be expelled forthwith can be equally uncommunicative.
  13. At this time, it was believed that female genitalia were merely internal versions of the male, with the clitoris being a tiny penis, and it was the greater heat of the male that had expelled his organs.

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