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Перевод: extrude speek extrude

выталкивать; вытеснять; выпячиваться; выдавливать; штамповать; прессовать


  1. Some claim to extrude ectoplasm, the substance out of which spirits are said to be made.
  2. They simply extrude their internal organs.
  3. It's a word you are unlikely to find in the dictionary but, if you think of it as the opposite to "extrude", meaning to thrust or push out, then the term becomes more understandable.
  4. Hydrogen, potassium (H + , K + ) adenosine triphosphatase (ATPases) extrude H + in exchange for K + using energy derived directly from ATP hydrolysis.
  5. And work, to extrude a demon, with knobbed brow
  6. They have used them already to build communal tents, to extrude life-lines guiding them over plants, or ropes to let themselves down from one twig to another.
  7. It happens whenever you try to perform a bland or an extrude.
  8. the sea, way out, extrude a pillar of salt, a corkscrew

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