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Перевод: face speek face

лицо; физиономия ; выражение лица; выражение; лик ; гримаса ; внешний вид; наглость ; струнная поверхность; правая сторона; лицевая сторона; циферблат ; фасад ; вид спереди; передняя сторона; фас ; грань ; лобовая поверхность; торец ; срез ; фаска ; забой [горн.] ; плоскость забоя; очко; ширина ; облицовка ;
стоять лицом; быть обращенным в определенную сторону; смотреть в лицо чему-л.; смело встречать; смотреть в лицо без страха; сталкиваться; наталкиваться; отделывать; облицовывать; полировать; обтачивать; обкладывать; обложить; подкрашивать


  1. Being a combination, this is more likely to score than a single face punch which, as I said earlier, is often simply overlooked by the referee.
  2. Unfortunately, every now and then, trouble may come and find us, no matter what we do, and then we have to stand and face it.
  3. As I left I asked Marcus to remove his dark glasses so I could look at his face.
  4. The Signature neck is much more finely fashioned, smoother behind the nut and with a lovely steep swoop from the nut down to the face of the deliciously neat headstock.
  5. Slowly Benny got off her bed and went over to the mirror on the wardrobe to see if her face looked as red and tearstained as she feared.
  6. The boy's eyes went from face to face.
  7. I decided I must face the truth about this the other night when I swerved fiercely on country road to avoid a scuba diver riding a moped.
  8. It appeared that China had "changed face".
  9. Once inside he pulled his scarf away from his face, the laughter welling up inside him.
  10. His accusations backed up with the evidence found by Craig would be enough to convict Spencer and send him to prison for some time, once his whereabouts were discovered, for Spencer seemed to have vanished from the face of the earth.
  11. On the steep, previously unclimbed face opposite the Behind The Lines area of the main face, two diagonal weaknesses were climbed by John Adams and Bill Birkett.
  12. She was a plain young woman, thick and dark with a worn face.
  13. It is still not clear how much the Broadcasting Act has changed the face of television.

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