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Перевод: facing speek facing

облицовка ; наружная отделка; обточка ; наружное покрытие; внешний слой; отделка ; отделка мундира; обшивка ; кант ; поворот на месте; выкладка ;
принимая во внимание


  1. Not surprisingly research has suggested a complexity of factors, and shown therefore the difficulties facing any attempts at alleviation (see for example Eagles et al, l987; Gilleard et al, l984; Gilhooly, 1984; Zarit et al, l980).
  2. Or is this just an elaborate distraction created by her mind to avoid facing her infertility?
  3. Make sure the foot is pointed and the knee is facing forwards.
  4. That's the shop, facing you.
  5. MIRESIDE (North facing) was once known as "The Castle".
  6. I stopped and slumped dazedly back on my heels, facing utter defeat.
  7. This subjective nature of an odour is one of the many problems facing a complainant who turns to the law seeking its abatement.
  8. There have been many theories accounting for the prevalence of North, North East and East facing galleries, including a favourite one that they were built so that thrifty spinners might sit out and catch the last of the waning daylight.
  9. In early 1949, 17 studios were idle, over a third of the film technicians' union's members were unemployed and British filmmaking, as a writer in the New Statesman put it, was "facing disaster".
  10. Above dpc level both the outer leaf of facing bricks, and the inner and thicker leaf of common bricks or blocks, are built as independent structures separated by a cavity 2 to 4in (50 to 100mm) wide.
  11. Facing South-West.
  12. John Illman examines the problems they are facing.
  13. Some of the characteristics of primates are flexible fingers with nails rather than claws, and forward facing eyes that give binocular vision and are vital for judging distance.

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