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Перевод: faeces

осадок ; испражнения ; кал ; фекалии


  1. The E. coli count of human faeces is surprisingly constant at about 2 10 cells per gram.
  2. Our new sampling system uses the birds" faeces and provides the same high level of protection.
  3. "When Thatcher was on the pot, it is my belief she was peremptorily required by her mother and grandmother to do her duty," writes Abse, and proceeds to build a gigantic edifice on the assumption: "A mother who is peremptory when the child wants satisfaction at the breast, is the same severe mother who denies her child the pride in her own first creation, her faeces," he explains.
  4. Quote: " It seems likely that a diet in which sugars and starches are taken in natural fibre-rich form would contribute to the control of obesity by encouraging satiety at a lower level of energy intake, and to a lesser extent by increasing the amount of potential energy lost in the faeces ."
  5. However, there are other, additional, calories in the faeces expelled after high-fibre eating, in the form of fat and protein.
  6. When one takes monkeys evolved for tree-top living and puts them in gravel-floored cages on the ground where they are constantly exposed to faeces, when one mixes three species of macaque in one cage, as was done at the New England centre, the stress factors multiply.
  7. This can mean that the bowels move less frequently, that hard faeces are not easily passed or that there is an increased retention of faeces in the colon (see pages 74 to 75).
  8. Animals can also transmit infection on their bodies, as can insects (e.g. flies becoming contaminated with faeces) and many widespread epidemic infections are transmitted by blood-sucking insects such as the mosquito which causes malaria.
  9. For a start, there is growing public concern about the effects of toxocariasis, the disease transmitted by the roundworm Toxocara canis, carried in the faeces of un-wormed dogs.
  10. If the patient is safe sitting up, he should be left alone for privacy while he is passing urine or faeces, and he should have a bell to summon help, or perhaps a stick with which to knock on the wall or floor.
  11. As we grow older, it takes longer for faeces to travel through the digestive tract and this may lead to constipation.
  12. Rubbing a dog's nose in his faeces is not effective and is not conducive to further training.
  13. Furthermore, faeces and urine are used as markers of individual "personalities".

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