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Перевод: faith speek faith

вера ; доверие; религия ; вероисповедание; верность ; честность ; лояльность ; ручательство; слово; обещание


  1. One who had faith in him from the start was Dulcie Howes.
  2. John Hick's God and the Universe of Faith introduces the "ecumenical" idea of many faiths believing in the same God.
  3. The only recovery that the strategists are placing any real faith in at the moment is that of the United States economy.
  4. Ford placed enormous faith in its tiny Zig and Zag concept cars and so did GM with its Impact electric two-seater.
  5. I had to restore my faith in myself.
  6. You are the enabler, the creative power, the prime mover, the faith is faith in you.
  7. He would prefer us to be in the position of the person who learns to trust that a friend has posted a letter, and who does not go out to be certain that the letter has found its destination, a search that in fact would portray not faith, but a lack of faith.
  8. Even where faith is weak or even wrongly based, it is not necessarily illegitimate.
  9. There must be more evidence than some existentialists desire for their "splendid" leap of faith, but there may be less than Copleston required for his certain assurance of God's existence.
  10. But it gets easier, and if we don't begin and step out in faith then our gift will never mature.
  11. What we are seeing is not churchmen meddling in politics but following through the logic of their theology which Professor T. F. Torrance has dubbed "a radical disjunction between faith and reason."
  12. Turning and seeing her, he affirms her deed as an act of faith: "Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace and be healed of your disease."
  13. The investment was modest but it was an indication of his faith in the painter at a time when Modigliani badly needed the support.

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