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Перевод: fallible speek fallible

подверженный ошибкам; могущий ошибаться; ошибочный


  1. This approach certainly helps you realize that you are dealing with another fallible human being.
  2. Surveys of painting, it has to be admitted, are more fallible in this respect, partly because of the relative simplicity of the means used.
  3. THE ORIGINAL: a sullen, inexpressive wail, a fallible voice as small and sorely limited as a back bedroom, a fey, frustrated frailty.
  4. the right to be fallible, ie to be wrong and make mistakes sometimes
  5. He managed to behave as if the politicians were fallible beings whom we hoped against hope to take seriously.
  6. But his alternative, more flexible approach had proved fallible also.
  7. Badger gassing, the infallible and humane method of killing them recommended by Lord Zuckerman was stopped on the grounds that it was fallible and inhumane.
  8. Even the best mixed methods are time-consuming and fallible.
  9. As the June events in China showed, eyewitness accounts are necessarily very fallible.
  10. But because so much money and technical faith had been invested in the project no one thought to check the information elsewhere or suspect that the system might be fallible.
  11. But the people trying to implement policies remain human, and therefore fallible, like the rest of us; cases of "indiscipline", corruption and general inefficiency now surface with embarrassing frequency.
  12. Belief in its importance is in fact a consequence of the recognition that people, including priests, are fallible, so that the right to challenge their views is a necessary condition of arriving at valid opinions.
  13. Surely the corollary of his great "mythopoeia" discussion with Dyson and Tolkien was that the story of Christ was much more important than any doctrine which a fallible or fallen human mind could extract from it?

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