Перевод: familiarity
[существительное] близкое знакомство; знакомство; близкие отношения; интимные отношения; хорошая осведомленность; фамильярность
- A major difficulty with such a test is that familiarity may breed tolerance rather than contempt.
- Similarly, Freeman argued, in relation to unskilled labour, that "uneducative" employment was unavoidable and, therefore, it was necessary that "the intelligence and character of the adolescent be trained outside the workshop": "We cannot train for a trade, but we can enable the worker to do his duties as thoroughly as possible"; such training would give a "familiarity" with "ordinary tools" and "simple machines", a grounding in "mechanics" and "competent draughtsmanship".
- We take community policing to be a style which emphasizes the development of good relations between police and community, normally via active police involvement in, and contact with, the local community, and by deploying manpower in such a way that officers patrol a "beat" on foot in order to build up familiarity with the local area.
- Even this severe shaking, however, failed to cause alarm amongst the local people; they had by that time been living with the eruption for many weeks, and it is remarkable just to what extent familiarity of even something as exceptional as a volcanic eruption can breed contempt.
- We all have proper names, but familiarity allows us to give each other nicknames with which we feel more comfortable.
- First, it referred to the ability of a worker to move about within a workshop - hopefully from process to process - a mobility bestowed by "knowledge" of different processes which in turn involved familiarity with the tools of the trade and the necessary skill to use them.
- But there were no incidents of any kind, although Bernie's familiarity with the little girl seemed to grow as each day passed.
- Thirdly, overall behavioural responses require for their observation an intimate familiarity with each species which is rarely achieved and could be unachievable.
- Thus, in order to fully appreciate Distant Voices, Still Lives , we would have to be familiar with the work of Lowry, Lawrence, Larkin et al - and to fully appreciate their work in turn demands familiarity with numerous other texts and artists, and so it goes on.
- Some familiarity with the business also helps, without subscribing to the view that only health professionals can really understand and run it.
- Charity relieved him of it carefully and set about the operation with skill and familiarity.
- But the rest of the act lacks this savagery and Posner should surely have aimed for more laughs earlier - at present the audience only relaxes, by the usual process of familiarity, around the half way mark.
- The week since Charles's departure, however, had been a bleak one, and Clarissa found the familiarity of her flat a disadvantage.
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