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Перевод: fascinate speek fascinate

очаровывать; пленять; зачаровывать; зачаровывать взглядом


  1. Every disease presents its own peculiar problems which fascinate and challenge investigators, but tuberculosis has more than the usual range of difficulties.
  2. The series of books by Osbert Sitwell on his life are quite fascinating, but by no stretch of the imagination can the Sitwells be equated with "ordinary" people - indeed, it is their eccentricities which fascinate.
  3. But there are so many different Americas that fascinate and shape us.
  4. So the hedges which most interest the historian are those which most fascinate the botanist.
  5. As I stared across at him his white face seemed to fascinate me.
  6. Wooden toys from other countries also fascinate me.
  7. This is a visual experience guaranteed to fascinate and delight both young and old alike.
  8. THE ARISTOCRACY never fails to fascinate.
  9. She skims through the novel which seems to fascinate them.
  10. It still has its power to fascinate and impress.
  11. The civilians appeared to be very interested in the kilt that I am wearing and, of course, the pipes seem to fascinate them.
  12. Symmetry never ceases to fascinate the human being.
  13. The packaging of imported products has continued to fascinate him, for intrinsic qualities - - the names, the colours and the designs - but also no doubt because of the way products from far away have been integrated into the domestic Mexican environment.

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