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Перевод: fatal speek fatal

фатальный; роковой; неизбежный; губительный; пагубный; смертельный


  1. Alcoholism is a chronic, progressive and sometimes fatal disease ."
  2. "You're not going home now, any more than you're going to have a heart attack, or lung cancer, or any other fatal illness.,,
  3. Because Hector's dolphins cannot hold their breath for long and dives rarely exceed 2 minutes (compared with up to 8 minutes for a bottlenose dolphin), entanglement in a set-net is usually fatal.
  4. He was first to find frequent listeria contamination of cook-chill foods and demonstrated the failure of microwaves always to kill the bacteria which can be fatal to foetuses, newborns, and the elderly.
  5. Suddenly in the summer of 1742 a fatal attack of smallpox arrested progress at Thorndon with the death of the young Lord Petre, "ornament and delight of the age he lived in".
  6. Over the years there have been a number of fatal towplane accidents caused by gliders getting too high and jerking the towplane into a steep dive.
  7. This is a sure recipe for panic and will be fatal unless there is plenty of height.
  8. And there will be fatal accidents and disease.
  9. Every step now required the greatest care, for even the mere laying hold of a loose stone might have proved fatal.
  10. Approximate intonation, coupled with a decided tendency to the flat side of the note, and a pronounced break between "chest" and "head" voices are fatal flaws in this particular context.
  11. For example, a tightrope-walker balances on a high wire strung sufficiently far above the ground and without a safety net; hence a fall would ordinarily be fatal.
  12. She was shrewd enough to see that, if all the saintly characters were killed off, readers might be inclined to deduce that "the sure reward of virtue is a fatal accident."
  13. Since this treatment was introduced, the number of fatal overdoses has fallen from a peak of 192 in 1978, to 152 in 1980, the last year for which figures are available.

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