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Перевод: fatalistic speek fatalistic



  1. There is no reason to be fatalistic.
  2. The example of the United States may be cited in order to refute such a fatalistic approach, but the American colonies were the progeny of the most sophisticated democratic country in the world, and in any case the American republic expanded from a near tabula rasa , politically and geographically speaking.
  3. I shall never forget Jordi's face, his rueful smile, his fatalistic shrug as he was pushed into the car.
  4. Graduates who attend them seem to be becoming increasingly fatalistic that they will go away empty-handed.
  5. Fatalistic
  6. Incidents such as this, and there were many more than I have recorded, could have worn me down had I not taken an almost fatalistic view.
  7. But in London, as in Washington or Paris, there is an increasingly fatalistic view that there is very little governments can do to prevent popular pressure for reunification.
  8. More fatalistic.
  9. Fatalism is the order of the day - and if your best efforts have failed to find a job, it's understandable that you might feel fatalistic.
  10. Hardly a time for complacency, yet either that or fatalistic resignation seems to have put America to sleep.
  11. Rural labour had internalised deferential attitudes toward authority and a fatalistic acceptance of its conditions during a protracted history of custom and dependence, but at times in the nineteenth century had demonstrated radical resistance to the imposition of capitalist rationalisation.
  12. They were becoming very tired, and when they came back from their missions there was none of the former exuberance if everyone returned safely, and just fatalistic shoulder-shrugging if someone was lost.
  13. He may have been joking, but his fatalistic sentiment was in the sane vein as a cruel remark made as Davies's men departed in triumph: "We understood Eastbourne were the only team who have not applied for a postal vote in the General Election."

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