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Перевод: fatality speek fatality

несчастье; обреченность ; рок ; фатальность ; смерть


  1. What we are slowly making our way towards are the pictorial consequences of Rosenberg's nothingness and the fatality.
  2. Whether such a ferret fatality can be attributed to it remaining unmated is highly debatable.
  3. All - his pride in his memory, his sense of the internationale of writers, painters, musicians, and the aristocrats, his study of form as technique (no contours, no edges, intellectual concepts, but rounding, thrusting, as a splash of color, as Yeats described his aim in the Cantos) it is all a huge AESTHETICISM, ending in hate for Jews, Reds, change, the content and matter often of disaster, a loss of future, and in that a fatality as death-full as those for whom the atom bomb is Armageddon, not Apocalypse.
  4. The pedestrian fatality rate in Great Britain (3.1 per 100,000 population) is comparable to that of France and the GDR, but is high in comparison to other countries with similar populations and levels of traffic, such as Japan (2.9) and Italy (2.4) The Scandinavian countries are very much safer still and the Netherlands at 1.3 is more than twice as safe a place to walk as Great Britain.
  5. It is worth remembering that the UK at the time of this publication was already adrift of the best practice elsewhere, with fatality rates double those of the Netherlands for pedestrians and more than triple those of Sweden for children.
  6. The trigger had been the near fatality which, although in itself buried, had awakened a great deal of emotional hurt that could not be ignored and for which he was impelled to seek help.
  7. The first fatality at Blackpool was in August 1887, when car 6 killed an elderly visitor who stepped in front.
  8. At least one double fatality has been caused in this way.
  9. Rarely has it ever been recorded that a fatality has occurred from snakebite during the festival; the Cobras appear to know that they are being revered.
  10. BP fire fatality
  11. We apologise to customers for the cancellation of breakfast owing to: repair work in the kitchen, staff shortages, a fatality in the cold room, the non-arrival of deliveries.
  12. Those aged above 60 have a pedestrian casualty rate per head of population which is nearly double that of the 20-;39 age group, whilst their greater likelihood of dying from a particular accident gives them a fatality rate six and one half times higher.
  13. The reply may or may not have been arrogant, but, more significantly, it carried within itself the fatality to come.

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