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Перевод: fatty speek fatty

жирный; откормленный; жировой;
толстяк ; толстушка


  1. One of them is Ionithermie, a salon beauty treatment, created in France to improve skin and muscle tone and help eliminate the fatty, dimply look often referred to as Cellulite.
  2. Some other animals can manage to convert vegetable oils into these fatty acids, but cats lack this ability.
  3. Heavy fatty deposits can be broken up by the use of caustic cleaners sometimes specially formulated and described as drain cleaners.
  4. You just need to increase the frequency with which you eat protein from plant sources (and slightly decrease the amount of fatty animal proteins that you eat).
  5. This beam is then focused by an acoustic lens, the melon, a fatty body situated right in front of the blow-hole and conspicuous by its presence in many cetaceans.
  6. Polyunsaturated fats may reduce the amount of fatty deposits in the arteries which cause atherosclerosis, and unsaturated fats, such as vegetable oils, are safer than animal (saturated) fats; soft margarine is better than butter or hard margarine.
  7. Some, such as DDT, are stored unchanged in the body's fatty tissues.
  8. Fried and fatty meats are best avoided, but fat can be cut off before cooking, and meat or fish can be grilled or cooked in the oven.
  9. A further potentially exciting area yet to be explored in the diabetic population is the dietary substitution of the -3 series of fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic and decosahexaenoic acids which has been shown to favourably affect platelet function in non-diabetic subjects (Siess et al, 1980; Thorngren Gustafson, 1981; Lorenz et al, 1983).
  10. However, Ren Gattefoss, the father of aromatherapy, established without a doubt that the skin can absorb fatty substances, provided that their molecular structure is small enough.
  11. It is known that fatty acid peroxides inhibit prostacyclin generation (Moncada et al, 1976 b; Salmon et al, 1978).
  12. Foods tend to contain mixtures of these fatty acids, but obviously some foods have higher proportions of some than others.
  13. Women, in particular, can train off too much fatty tissue, and this sometimes leads to menstrual problems.

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