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Перевод: fearlessness

бесстрашие; неустрашимость


  1. And my reaction to this fear, my way of combating it, was to escape into a world of no fear, a world where there were complete men, good-looking, strong, active, a world of erotic fearlessness where the whole man had free rein, the whole man whom I was convinced I would not or could not become.
  2. In daily life Self-confidence High Fearlessness High Temperament Medium Endurance High Mobility and Activity Medium Alertness High Tractability Medium-High Mistrust Low-Medium Sharpness Low-Medium
  3. Fearlessness
  4. The full-throttle climaxes of Francesca are delivered with a frenzied desperation which is guaranteed to play havoc with all but the most robust of dispositions, and the spine-tingling emotionalism of the gloriously protracted central section is entered into with a fearlessness which borders on the overwhelming - one can feel this music coursing through the orchestra's veins.
  5. So fearlessness and self-confidence have a very narrow dividing line and in some respects are the same.
  6. But his lack of fear must not be too great, for total fearlessness, the issuing of challenges against impossible odds is the prerogative of the nutter.
  7. We have all seen, in the Breed Standards, certain definitions of what is required of Rottweiler character: self-confidence - high; fearlessness - high; sharpness - medium/low; fighting instinct - high; defensive instinct - very high; hardness - high, tractability - medium.
  8. Fearlessness is self-explanatory and is demonstrated by the dog's tolerance of unusual or disagreeable stimuli.
  9. This is difficult, it takes time, fearlessness and optimism - it is something I do not propose embarking upon again in my life.
  10. What we most certainly do not want is a dog with high fearlessness and high sharpness.
  11. In general, an aggro leader has to show a distinct sense of fearlessness - he has to be a "hard case".
  12. As many were at the Very Severe upper end of difficulty, he developed quite a reputation for fearlessness.
  13. And they displayed the kind of fearlessness that only fanaticism confers.

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