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Перевод: fed. speek fed.

федеральный; федерация


  1. By the 1940s and 1950s the Red Poll was one of Britain's major breeds but, in the rush to set up new herds, breeding standards began to slip badly on the farm, while at the same time the invading Friesian, fed on concentrates, considerably outyielded the breed and by the early 1960s its popularity had tumbled.
  2. Inactivity fed my anxieties.
  3. Kilns such as these were built for convenience against a hillside so that the raw materials could be fed in from the top and the burnt lime taken out at the bottom.
  4. Jackie led them through the wood where Joy Prentice had fled and fallen, then along the banks of the stream which fed the water-wheel, to a small wooden bridge.
  5. Havelock suggests three categories: the research and development and diffusion model , where an idea or practice conceived at the centre is fed out into the system; the social interaction model , where change proceeds through formal and informal contact between groups; and the problem solving model , where individuals are themselves involved in initiating, developing or modifying aspects of a programme at local level.
  6. And on the physical health side, enormous numbers of children are badly fed, physically neglected, by the loving parents who bore them!
  7. During winter Mr Smith should have fed his stock 60 bales of silage.
  8. He also finishes 1500 store lambs which are fed on arable by-products in the autumn.
  9. While still on this theme, a friend who was a cook bemoans the lack of stories from or about those who kept us fed.
  10. Now, about 80 per cent of the triticale grown in Canada is grown into human food products, while the rest is fed to livestock.
  11. In 1954 the breed's South African journal made the point that wool farmers wanted a breed of cattle that needed no coddling to produce milk for the house and top-price slaughter oxen whose main role was to keep the veld short for sheep, while the mixed grass veld farmer wanted a good cream cheque, a bullock to work and a profitable steer which could be fed on surplus grain.
  12. This was the yard where Mrs Hollidaye fed the hens, throwing down the corn for them to peck up.
  13. Following some near misses, Alresford scored when Dave Powell broke from a scrum and fed Richard Gander who drew the defence before returning the ball for Powell to touch down.

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