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Перевод: feline speek feline

кошачий; по-кошачьи хитрый; по-кошачьи злобный;
животное семейства кошачьих


  1. The ideal, preferred temperature for feline food is 86F, which happens to be the same temperature as the cat's tongue.
  2. They probably reminded her too closely of sounds of feline distress and she did her best to silence them.
  3. With their many variants and subdivisions they provide a wonderfully expressive earful for the alert feline as it goes about its business.
  4. Against all this the ESP addicts will retort that there is one feat performed by some cats that requires an acceptance of telepathic communication between human owner and lost feline.
  5. In other words, the musical sense of cats is just another feline myth.
  6. The answer seems to lie with the special signals that are given in feline "language" by certain specific sounds.
  7. By the age of about five years a cat starts to lose its range of hearing and when the animal has become elderly, in feline terms, it is often nearly deaf.
  8. American research workers, studying many hours of tape recordings, also insist that the feline vocal repertoire is huge - the most complex of any animal except Homo sapiens .
  9. It is hard, at first, to make any sense out of the reports that exist in the feline literature.
  10. Feline individualism begins to assert itself, and anyone who has owned, say, a crossbred tabby, a Siamese, a Persian and an Abyssinian will know that not only different individuals but also different breeds have their own special vocal characteristics.
  11. Loud music, screaming and shouting are torture to the delicate hearing apparatus of the typical feline.
  12. The Prince either stormed through life like a tornado or idled with a lack of haste that was almost feline.
  13. If they are unusually anxious or irritated, they may find the noise just too much to deal with and stalk off in a feline sulk rather than squat down for a good meal.

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