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Перевод: ferromagnetic speek ferromagnetic



  1. It is correct for most of the chapter with taken as a constant but breaks down for ferromagnetic materials, which will be discussed in Section 3.11.
  2. Volkenstein (1959) draws the analogy with ferromagnetism and considers the transition from completely amorphous to bundle-like structure as being associated with a second-order transition, similar to the transition from the paramagnetic to the ferromagnetic state (the Weiss theory of ferromagnetism).
  3. Paramagnetic materials are unimportant from an engineering point of view, and diamagnetic materials may have a future; the present, however, belongs to the ferromagnetic group, and above all to the most important representative of the group - the various alloys of iron.
  4. The B-H curve of ferromagnetic materials
  5. The Japanese researchers have implanted a ferromagnetic glass ceramic into the bone cavity close to the tumour site.
  6. We shall now take a ferromagnetic material that has a very narrow hysteresis loop so that we can assume with good approximation a unique (though of course nonlinear) relationship between B and H. The material is again assumed to be of a toroidal shape but it is now excited by a current I flowing in a coil of N turns (Fig. 3.13(a)).
  7. The magnetic field in a ferromagnetic material of toroidal shape excited by a steady current (J, H, B)
  8. It is customary to divide all magnetic materials into diamagnetic (), paramagnetic (), and ferromagnetic () groups.
  9. In a moving-iron meter, the current passes through a fixed coil to create a magnetic induction that magnetises a pivoted, shaped piece of ferromagnetic metal.
  10. This is important for inductors with cores of such as ferromagnetic materials where the incremental or small-signal inductance is strongly dependent on any direct current.

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