Перевод: ferrule
[существительное] металлический обод; металлический наконечник; обруч ; предохранительное кольцо; муфта [тех.]
- The length of such shafts is difficult to determine except where there is an accompanying ferrule binding the foot.
- It is usual for them to come in two equal length pieces to fit a central ferrule.
- Starting with the leading edges, push the loose rear section forwards in its sleeve with one hand while holding the tubular end of the joining ferrule in the other.
- I must say this wasn't a problem for anyone here and I would hope that moving the string ferrule doesn't affect the brightness or jangle factor overmuch.
- The second precaution is to pull each of the bridle rings up and away from the sail before positioning the cross-spar first into the centre ferrule with the spar beneath all the bridle lines It is most important that the lines which we will call "B" and "C" as in the drawings, are free and not /n any way tangled with either the leading, edge vinyl, spine fitting or the cross-spar Otherwise the bridle setting and consequent flight performance will be sadly deformed!
- A caricature of the city gent was achieved by the combination of crombie, bowler hat and black umbrella, which sometimes had a sharpened ferrule.
- The special internally tapered ferrule preserves the brush shape when painting, make cutting in and painting straight lines easier, and also reduces bristle loss.
- The filaments are firmly set in epoxy resin to ensure minimal loss, and the ferrule is made of stainless steel, so it will not rust or discolour, providing a hard-wearing, quality paintbrush.
- Real and imagined depths were lurking under the probing axe, and twice I broke through a crust with boot and ferrule.
- The ferrule was well-formed, with no sharp edges.
- When applying a varnish, the brush should be dipped into it for about one-third of the length of the bristles and then, holding the brush in a similar way to a pencil, with the fingers holding the metal ferrule and the handle resting between the thumb and first finger, spread the varnish quickly and evenly over a small area.
- Good synthetic brushes deliver high performance, but cost less, so if there is a build up of acrylic paint at the ferrule (the base of the bristles) and performance is impaired, they can be replaced more cheaply.
- An alternative to the tee piece is the clever use in Tim Benson designs of an "O" ring to hold the ferrule or socket directly against the spine, then polyethylene rubber or vinyl tubes form combined stops and securing sockets for the cross-spars (see "Scorcher 2" drawing on previous page).
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