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Перевод: ferryman speek ferryman

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  1. Incognito, he worked as a ferryman and lived in Biddick boat-house for over twenty years, when a terrible flood robbed him of his possessions and his proof of identification.
  2. Ferryman had kipped down with him for a while, till one night, turning over in his sleep, Jackie had given him such a clout with the iron boot it nearly took his hip off.
  3. Maybe Ferryman's question, screamingly obvious as it was, would appear to her just a stupid blunder from a big soft lad with less brains than an ant.
  4. Just then Ferryman, the big soft lad, came out of a very pleasant day-dream about roast chicken and started to pay attention.
  5. "Shut up, Ferryman!"
  6. Ferryman's Cottage (left), at Noss Mayo in South Devon, is to be auctioned on its own by Strutt Parker (0392 215631) on 26 October.
  7. "You mean -?" she looked towards Ferryman.
  8. During the silence that followed, the same thought may well have passed through every head except Ferryman's: "We're in for it now".
  9. So Ferryman told her.
  10. Then Ferryman stood up.
  11. And I think -" her eyes wandered doubtfully to Ferryman, who was still grinning, wondering what all the fuss was about - "they got quite a lot out of it."
  12. Ferryman was absent.
  13. In the ensuing chaos, six or seven pairs of hands grabbed Ferryman and pulled him down on to his bottom.

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