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Перевод: fervour

жар ; пыл ; зной ; рвение; горячность ; страсть ; усердие


  1. What was surely the last ever Montenegrin "royal event" was masterminded by the republic's new Communist leadership, which has abruptly stopped describing Nicholas as a class enemy, to ride the same wave of popular patriotism and royal fervour which swept Serbia in the recent celebrations of the 600th anniversary of the battle of Kosovo.
  2. They are sandwich-boards for Oedipal tendencies, eagerly disposing of the father - they reject authority, law, the land - and reverting with fervour to the embrace of the all-mothering sea.
  3. Now, like all revolutionaries, its earliest protagonists possessed a certain prophetic fervour and the time when this fervour was at its height coincided with a time when, following independence, aid to Africa had been vastly increased, with the usual mixed motives.
  4. To this must be appended the usual qualification of "Congress willing," but, if anything, the current US Congress exceeds Reagan in pro-science fervour.
  5. It was an almost convincing affirmation of his feelings for Sara (as Coleridge would henceforward write her name) and his fervour for Pantisocracy certainly showed no decline in the coming weeks.
  6. Certainly what Devon Loch heard at that moment was not a noise which he had heard before, and it was some noise - a raucous surge of patriotic fervour as the Royal horse galloped to certain victory in front of his owner the Queen Mother and her daughters Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret, a rapturous climax befitting what was about to be one of the greatest moments of racing history.
  7. Nowhere else in the world can match the fervour of it.
  8. Anglers sing the praises of Loch Assynt with similar fervour to that expressed by Norman MacCaig.
  9. Moral fervour, Brown argues, can solve problems - such as drug abuse.
  10. It is the fervour and ecstasy with which many of them listen to music and songs.
  11. Music writers, however, were united in their fervour.
  12. Pugin was not trying to be different for the sake of it; his medieval revival was born from a genuine moral and religious fervour.
  13. He started not only to print his addresses or charges but to review books of general interest; to consider a book on diplomacy and war, and not to lose a chance of holding up the character of Asquith to admiration, or to contrast the laziness and drift of Stanley Baldwin as prime minister with the crusading fervour of a Gladstone.

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