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Перевод: fete speek fete

празднество; праздник ; торжество; именины ;
праздновать; чествовать


  1. They would also mingle with unwary humans for spite, selling jewellery and magic cloth at the village fete - when the purchaser leant to pick up the item, the fee would twist his arm and fling him to the ground.
  2. It was a mixture of agricultural show, horse show, trade exhibition, Highland Games and garden fete.
  3. Through both intricacies, bright yellow, blue and red-hooded anoraks, like monks en fete , wobbled along the sea front.
  4. The Ulster Girls' Choir gave a concert in January 1967 and a garden fete in Chambers Park later in the year which raised 350.
  5. At last the day of the fete came - and, goodness, how it rained!
  6. One Sunday morning I drove out to Port Douglas where, behind the beach, is a market loosely spread beneath the trees rather like a village fete at home.
  7. One evening at Pack Meeting Beegee, which was the name the Pack had made up for their Guider out of the initial letters B and G of Brownie Guider, told the Brownies that the County Girl Guides' Fete was to be held in a few weeks' time in Morley Park and that the 3rd Shortfields Pack must think what to do to help make the fete a huge success.
  8. All the Brownies were invited to go home and think about what the Pack could do for the fete and bring their ideas and suggestions along to the next Pack Meeting.
  9. The Duke also conducted a mission to the coronation of Emperor Nicholas of Russia in 1826, the Emperor returning the visit by attending, in 1844, a magnificent garden fete at Chiswick House, with hundreds of guests, numerous musicians, and for that occasion, giraffes were also introduced.
  10. The former can easily be caricatured as humourless puritans who object to games which involve guessing the number of beans in a jar at the church fete.
  11. The local trading standards officer says Mrs Rees could be prosecuted if her mouse novelties or toys are sold at the fete as usual.
  12. BARGAIN-HUNTERS who scour the Church bazaar, the Scout fete and the car boot sale this Easter have the right to demand their money back if what they buy turns out to be a pig in a poke, a report says today.
  13. Now she suddenly thought what an interesting and novel item it would make in the fete if the Pack dressed up as Brownies through the years, showing the Brownie uniform from the first days to the present time.

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