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Перевод: fetid speek fetid

зловонный; вонючий


  1. We followed him across the street and down crumbling cement stairs into a fetid basement that stank of excrement, a place two feet deep in sodden papers, envelopes, parcels and stained government forms.
  2. The duppy is the personification of evil and only capable of malicious acts; at the very least its fetid breath will cause a victim to vomit violently, though it is more often asked to kill via its pernicious touch.
  4. Corbett just sat staring at the wet walls: the cell was narrow and fetid, a grating high in the wall gave a little air and light.
  5. The answer was to go to Britain, to talk to the Thames Water Authority, whose success in reviving the fetid Thames won world renown.
  6. It ventured forth only to kill cattle or flatten crops, poisoning the air with its fetid breath.
  7. In order to seep up the fetid atmosphere of the New York streets, a hidden camera was used to track Dustin's peregrinations.
  8. All were shabby; all had about them the cleanliness of icy well-water, spoiled and fetid with the reek of the city, that nothing but fire could dispel.
  9. From the fetid depths of his mind, Bataille dredged up a fantasy of human evolution one part pseudo-science, one part myth; as the apeman became homo erectus, all the erotic energy vested and mind.
  10. Back to bony back, under the fetid cover, they fell asleep.
  11. Sickness caused by overcrowding, and the damp, fetid conditions had appalled him.
  12. Under the vapour in the fetid air
  13. Water oozed out of the walls and as each night wore on, the heat distilled a fetid and poisonous atmosphere.

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