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Перевод: fetish speek fetish

фетиш ; амулет ; идол ; кумир


  1. Different religions may have different symbols but no symbol should become a fetish in order to enable one religion to claim superiority over another.
  2. Five years later she was to be found lecturing on her expedition to the Gabon, she had climbed Mount Cameroon, and her Travels in West Africa was published to consolidate her reputation as a "fish and fetish" expert.
  3. Yet no branch of photography has the fetish status of the fashion image.
  4. These little glasses, which so closely resemble eyebaths, have become a fetish, and to suggest that a common cup might be shared (after all it is communion ) is more than many a minister would dare.
  5. The spatial fetish
  6. Instead, as ministers are quick to suggest, there is something essentially specific about the nature of the inner city, a political echo of a spatial fetish:
  7. His fetish?
  8. Tidiness is not a fetish but a necessity in a confined space.
  9. There also happens to be a young TV filmmaker (Jean-Pierre Laud, the nouvelle vague 's fetish actor) similar to the one played by Cleavon Little in Yates's picture.
  10. This would explain Gandhi's claim that one should not make a fetish of non-violence.
  11. Cluff is also pushing ahead with its Fetish gold mine in Ghana, where borehole results, albeit tentative, indicated high grades.
  12. Of late, the Laney range has focused on solid state technology to fuel its best-selling Linebacker range, resisting the current fetish for sticking a single valve into the preamp section in an attempt to provide the best of both worlds.
  13. Although Conran is very conscious of what he buys and surrounds himself with, he has not allowed his love of good design to become a fetish.

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