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Перевод: fetlock speek fetlock



  1. I should apply a hot antiphlogistine poultice just above the fetlock and alternate with a cold hose on it twice a day.
  2. The first edition, dated 1796, apparently contained the notorious instruction, in the treatment of "staggers", of having the "hair clipped off the pasterns as high as the fetlock, and boiling water poured on the part twice a day".
  3. I felt my way over the coronet to the fetlock and after some palpation I located a spot near the distal end of the metacarpus which was painful on pressure.
  4. In the first operation, which he performed "with considerable anxiety", fearing that the superfluous digit communicated with the fetlock joint, he was assisted by John Hunter.
  5. It has a characteristic shortness of the leg between knee and fetlock and a much thicker and more solid conformation than the Kerry.
  6. Two days earlier his puissance horse, Leonardo, had cracked a bone in his off-fore fetlock which had to be put in plaster.

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