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Перевод: feverish speek feverish

лихорадочный; возбужденный; взволнованный; беспокойный; фебрильный


  1. He was not cold, because his body, despite the water, was burning and almost feverish.
  2. You were too feverish to notice.
  3. Not that the anonymous author of the Poema ever criticizes his hero - the whole work shines with an almost feverish air of hero-worship.
  4. I cannot resist saying that when Japan finally exchanges her peaceful simplicity, her admiration for, and artistic appreciation of, Nature's beauties, and her contented national life, for the storm stress, and hurry of that feverish existence known to the West, she will have given up the substance for the shadow.
  5. It seems that, carried away by the feverish and bellicose atmosphere which was evident both on the streets of Paris and in the Assembly, Ollivier and Gramont strayed from the prepared text, firm but non-provocative in tone, and proceeded to make its content more aggressive.
  6. Obviously, they are by doing this attempting to discharge their own guilts, hide their own feverish obscenities, evade their own personal responsibilities and cleverly avoid gossip or rumour which would be more lethally accurate than that which they have generated themselves.
  7. "Only as a capable and speedy craftsman could one survive in that feverish and restless environment."
  8. He felt at once feverish, at once chilled, but he was in motion, moving quite apart from any decision within himself.
  9. NEW YORK researchers are near to pinpointing the root cause of toxic-shock syndrome - a feverish, and often fatal condition which has struck many women using particular types of tampon.
  10. By now Hugh was feverish.
  11. He was as psyched up as a footballer about to step out on to the field on Super Bowl Sunday - but he would be sustaining this level of feverish anticipation all winter.
  12. The records of local Labour parties reveal that Labour's feverish organizational activities were not confined to the national party alone.
  13. Blackeyes was a disorientating experience like being caught up in someone else's feverish dream.

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