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Перевод: fidelity speek fidelity

верность ; преданность ; лояльность ; точность ; правильность ; безукоризненная точность воспроизведения


  1. He could offer her financial security; a home - on Mn; his fidelity.
  2. James McDermott, president of a bank-share specialist, Keefe, Bruyette Woods, expects First Fidelity to look for branches and banks in Connecticut and upstate New York.
  3. And since you push the issue, Wilson, my husband is a man too - no Robert, let me finish - he is a man too and subject to like temptation and to the charge of masculine appetites and yet I do not doubt his fidelity, wherever he goes.
  4. We gain a new sense of loyalty, steadfastness and fidelity that are not our own.
  5. For Santander, First Fidelity is a bargain on two counts.
  6. Fidelity Investments has cut its initial charges on five bond funds from 5.25% to 3.5%.
  7. On the positive side, it must be said that the unit does the job it sets out to do quite admirably and that the fidelity of the original signal is kept well and truly intact.
  8. Make it clear that fidelity is important.
  9. High fidelity: "Couples can enhance their relationships, making their marriages so solid that infidelity is unlikely to occur"
  10. Unit trust managers Fidelity offer a good-value service for the slightly larger investor.
  11. Surveys show that even in the most sexually permissive of times, fidelity is a value most of us hold dear.
  12. He opened his shop in Nurenburg selling radios and producing transformers in 1930, and in 1945 he was allowed by the Allies to relocate his business in Furth, where it was one of the first to produce FM radios, then television sets - and high fidelity reel-to-reel tape recorders which serious musicians felt obliged to pay serious money for.
  13. In February First Fidelity bought 2.5 billion of deposits and 48 branches from a bust savings bank in New Jersey.

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