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Перевод: fidget speek fidget

беспокойство; беспокойное состояние; беспокойный человек; суетливый человек; непоседа ; вьюн ; егоза ;
беспокойно двигаться; ерзать; быть в волнении; не быть в состоянии сосредоточиться; нервировать; приводить в беспокойное состояние


  1. Doyle seemed wary and the Woman had started to fidget with her long tail of hair, holding it in one hand and drawing it through the fingers of the other.
  2. No; they fidget, touch their hands to their mouths, make interrupt gestures and can hardly wait for that momentary pause which will give them a chance to get a word in edgeways.
  3. Arthur's agitation increased as the woman next in line in the small queue began to fidget.
  4. If I notice the banker fidget and look at his watch, I may well conjecture that the game is about to be brought to an end, and I may therefore feel tempted to defect.
  5. The fidget factor increased slightly in the second half in the Queen's croquet garden.
  6. when flowers fidget
  7. Edward began to fidget up and down the room.
  8. Usually worn by those smug bastards who fidget relentlessly on planes and insist on getting up and walking round the whole time, demonstratively taking photos out of windows and asking for guided tours of the cockpit.
  9. Still no sign of anyone, people began to fidget and whisper, then suddenly they were back.
  10. The two officers who had hardly spoken were beginning to fidget on their chairs.
  11. Yanto began to fidget under Bert's gaze.
  12. The small audience had begun to fidget on their rickety folded chairs.
  13. Michael's younger sister found him a fidget in church and thought it was fidgeting to excess.

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