f fa fb fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fl fm fn fo fp fr fs ft fu fw fx fy

Перевод: file speek file

напильник ; пилочка ; отделка ; полировка ; ловкач ; скоросшиватель ; регистратор для бумаг; регистратор ; подшитые бумаги; подшивка ; дело; досье; картотека ; файл ; ряд ; шеренга ; колонна ; очередь ; хвост ; вертикаль ;
пилить; подпиливать; шлифовать; отделывать; хранить; регистрировать и хранить в каком-л. определенном порядке; подшивать; подшивать к делу; сдавать в архив; представлять какой-л. документ; подавать какой-л. документ; посылать материал в газету; идти гуськом; передвигаться колонной; передвигать колонной


  1. There are add-in applications for software distribution, system monitoring and configuration and change management for file systems - known respectively as Courier, Sentry and FSM - plus an application development environment and extension facility toolkits.
  2. This organizational logic further increases the discretion which leaders enjoy to direct organizational activities towards their own purposes, even if this shift means betraying the rank and file's interests.
  3. NCR Corp is now supporting Unix System Laboratories Inc's Unix System V.4.2 on its System 3000 workstations, which includes the TCP/IP Unix communications protocol and Sun Microsystems Inc's Network File System file sharing program.
  4. The Art Media File
  5. They were silent for some time as they picked their way in single file along the path that wound up the hillside.
  6. We took a first look at the pay and file provisions with the non-tax specialist in mind (see ACCOUNTANCY , April, p 80).
  7. It can run on 4Mb RAM and has a range of modules which can be loaded and unloaded as required including NFS, TCP/IP, or a System V file system.
  8. Its FASware software includes a proprietary 80,000-line real-time kernel and an all-important Write Anywhere File Layout file system designed from the ground up to handle files up to 4Gb and requiring no disk partitioning, a traditional Unix nightmare.
  9. Release 1.0 supports Unix systems from Hewlett-Packard Co, Digital Equipment Corp and IBM Corp and also supports Ask's Ingres database and ISAM file system.
  10. To coincide with the study's publication, the council renewed its call for the Data Protection Act to be amended to enable individuals to see any file on them kept by the league.
  11. The court has a discretion, and a record holder who would prefer not to hand over the file is entitled to refuse unless the party gets a court order to disclose.
  12. Load the file YourInitials5 and PRINT a copy (see Task 8).
  13. FACT FILE Flights: Royal Nepal Airlines has begun direct flights from London to Kathmandu: return fares cost 520 through Babin Travel (01-383 4314).

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