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Перевод: filled

заполненный; наполненный; фасованный


  1. Not without hesitation, he filled his water-bottle.
  2. The enthusiasm has, of course, been exploited, in the opportunistic launching of courses in women's studies, and by the publishing industry which has filled the shelves of bookshops - general as well as academic - with books with "women" in their titles.
  3. When he opened the door and his house filled with strangers, he was told they had the right to take his two children away.
  4. The air was filled with the sweetish, rotting odour of a paper mill.
  5. Dire Straits and discos filled him with horror.
  6. The miasma of cider, dope, urine and unwashed flesh filled the auditorium, while on screen their American friends wallowed in the mud with glazed eyes.
  7. Attitude questionnaires were also filled in by both experimental and control groups.
  8. They also had an overhead railway which gave me unlimited pleasure and I well remember a wall covered with hundreds of tiny wooden drawers filled with different sizes of screws and nails.
  9. Over filled, over priced and over here, American-style muffins have certainly made their mark.
  10. Make sure the cheque is filled in correctly:
  11. Attenborough's Chaplin is another of Dickie's broad strokes through history, filled with a multitude of characters and sets, colour and costumes.
  12. (This tank, filled with concrete, still exists beneath the main hall of the College in Camden Town).
  13. The place was just like any ale-house or tavern in Southwark with its dirt-beaten floor and ramshackle tables, filled with traders and peasants eager to spend the profits of market day.

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