f fa fb fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fl fm fn fo fp fr fs ft fu fw fx fy

Перевод: fin speek fin

плавник ; ласт ; рука ; киль ; стабилизатор ; ребро; заусенец ;
обрез`ать плавники; плавать как рыба


  1. Of course, the left has traditionally had a purely instrumental attitude to culture, leisure, fin.
  2. A rich, dark purple edges the dorsal fin, and the same colour suffuses areas of the anal fin.
  3. The upper fish which is the male, has unfortunately suffered some fin damage to the caudal fin which is normally "lyretailed".
  4. The usual roll can be likened to the surface activity of a porpoise; a smooth, slicing motion, where the top of the head, then the humped back, and finally the tip of the caudal fin, cut through the water with considerable elegance and beauty.
  5. Part of the time it just hung there in the water, not even the tip of a fin moving.
  6. ANDREW SMITH'S TIP: Before the fish colour-up, look closely at the dorsal fin.
  7. Much of the damage caused by keepnets is due to most of them being too narrow, so that as the fish lashes its tail back and forth the mesh brushes the protective mucous off and gradually wears the fin away.
  8. The fins are gold-edged with dark stripes, and there are white filaments on the anal fin.
  9. As the gap between the four of them narrowed, fin marks began cutting the surface of the shining water, this way and that.
  10. Having a torpedo-shaped semi-transparent body, with an iridescent reddish colouring, overlaid with black spots (one in the middle of the flank, one at the base of the tail and one or two above the anal fin, depending on the individual's size) the Spotted Rasbora is a beautiful and enchanting fish.
  11. In chronological order, the first to appear was the fenced fin, on which horizontal fences around the foil aimed to prevent the offending air bubbles from working down the fin.
  12. But the characteristic marking of this fish is the broad vertical band covering the tail fin, which is edged with white.
  13. see Fin.

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