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Перевод: finally speek finally

в конце; в заключение; под конец; окончательно; вчистую; в конце концов; в конечном счете


  1. Finally, one of the students whom I had worked with a couple of summers previously came back to me just before I left post to discuss his third year project at Shrivenham and I was able to arrange for him to do a project involving the linking of a commercial graphical package to the expert system developed as part of the war time operation aid mentioned previously.
  2. No move was ever made to introduce flexible or partial retirement which would allow older people to reduce the amount of work they did and to choose for themselves finally when to retire.
  3. THE price of the savage murders of two British tourists has finally begun to sink into South Africa's brutal society.
  4. Finally, catatonia, in which the person enters a state of total physical immobility, is rarely seen nowadays.
  5. They wanted finally to see off the third party; predictably, they failed.)
  6. The wage rise which is finally agreed upon (between 3 and 9 per cent) depends on the relative bargaining strengths of the two sides.
  7. This propaganda flop is only the latest in a stream of disinformation and contradictory statements emanating from Cambodia since the Vietnamese said they were finally withdrawing all their troops from the country.
  8. A round of applause for Tower Records; finally, a dog-friendly music store.
  9. With a career spanning seventeen years and almost as many albums, it's hard to deny that Motorhead have earned a bit of a breather, but those that feared the sun and the swimming pools of their self-imposed LA exile might dilute the band's full-on thrust can finally rest easy.
  10. Finally, on the front panel, there's the master volume knob and the controls for the onboard Alesis reverb/delay unit - a sixteen-notch rotary knob and a "return" control for setting the required level of effect, from the tiniest hint of echo through to a nightmare in a bathtub.
  11. Finally, Mrs Popple decided to throw a dinner-plate - they had just finished eating - and Albert Popple stormed out of the house.
  12. And, finally, you have four years to complete the projects of construction of the major hospitals and restorations.
  13. She showed me how to cover the cloth with an embroidery stitch which finally created a small, neat, round button.

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