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Перевод: finch speek finch



  1. On location in Ceylon, Vivien and Peter Finch would go off at 2 o'clock in the morning to celebrate.
  2. Finch was due to start shooting a romantic scene with Glynis Johns at nine, but he was incapable and his eyes were bloodshot.
  3. As a fellow Australian and all-round boozer, Flynn took a tremendous liking to Finch, and, not surprisingly, they spent a good deal of time drinking together.
  4. In fact, Royal Oak equalised after only a minute when Finch's cross came to Clinton Ford who scored with a snap shot.
  5. But he became gravely ill, and in April 1634 was replaced by Sir John Finch, a much more intemperate champion of the king's Forest rights.
  6. There is every likelihood that this, together with the decline of undersown cereals, accounts for the marked decline of winter finch flocks from much of Sussex.
  7. "Government", Denys Finch Hatton wrote to his friend Kermit Roosevelt,' panicked and sent for Delamere who seems to have gone down there with a boy and a cook and settled the whole thing."
  8. At an adjourned sitting at Stratford on 8 April the following year, Finch, now Chief Justice of the Common pleas, himself delivered judgment that these bounds should be enforced.
  9. At the adjourned session of the Essex "Justice Seat, on 4 October 1634, Sir John Finch produced the Forest Eyre roll of 1277, according to which the bounds of the forest of Essex were sworn to be "from Bow Bridge to Catway Bridge in length, and in breadth from the river of Thames to Stanstreet" - that is, the whole of the country south of "Stanstreet" (or Stanestreet) was declared to be Forest.
  10. a species of small finch resembling a linnet.
  11. In December 1640 Sir John Finch, now Lord Keeper, was impeached by the Long Parliament.
  12. Male Runner of the Year, Dave Worsfold; Female Runner of the Year, Elizabeth Ruocco; Best Youth, Toby Ewers; Best Boy, shared by David Hanna, and Conrad Allen; Best Girl shared by Angela Dixon and Sadye Writer; Best Colt, shared by Christopher Janaway and Robin Drew; Best Minor, shared by Louise Colbourne and Frances Ruocco; Best Under-11 Colt, Oliver Finch; Best Under-11 Minor, shared by Elizabeth Ruocco and Sarah Mowthorpe; Most Promising Newcomer, shared by Katie Hall, Rachel Hall and Faye Harman; Best Club Contributor, Robin Bellis.
  13. But Finch proceeded against the principal offenders, from whom it was hoped that substantial sums could be extracted, "by way of a Speciall Indictment".

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