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Перевод: findings



  1. But some of the most fruitful findings at ancient sites have been by those such as the researchers on the Dragon Project discussed later in this chapter, trained in disciplines other than archaeology.
  2. "If you can," Kuhlmann ordered, "meet me in the bar of the Canadian Pacific Hotel to report any findings.
  3. Only three years later Katherine Maltwood, FRSA, discovered one of the most important geomantic sites in the world, the Glastonbury Zodiac, and published her remarkable findings in two seminal works: Glastonbury's Temple of the Stars, Enchantments of Britain and An Aerial Survey .
  4. The future - and the hope of escaping yet more damaging legislation - rests on greater attention to the Council and greater respect for its findings.
  5. Early indications from the National Institute of Mental Health in Maryland, which has been testing the Californian findings, suggest that the drug does produce Parkinson-like symptoms.
  6. The commission has been told to report its findings by the end of February.
  7. These findings broadly echo those of Gunter, Svennevig, and Wober (1986, pp.98-;9), whose study of the 1983 election campaign showed that "objectively measured knowledge was significantly correlated with interest in political discussion programmes both on radio and television, but with only one news-consumption variable - claimed viewing of television news" (italics added).
  8. The council's findings must be quite damning, because it refuses to tell anyone what they are.
  9. These somewhat academic findings are not very helpful to the mother whose child has begged her to let him watch a gangster film or to buy him a plastic "death-ray gun" for Christmas.
  10. (Table 3.6 summarises the survey's findings.)
  11. However, Jerrome's findings do not refer at all to "tending" activities; the importance of friends in old age seems to be more about a natural extension of satisfying experiences and modes of behaviour in earlier years than about a changed conception of the nature of the relationship which could accommodate more "caring" activity.
  12. Findings from the present study suggest that once people had become established in the homes their quality of life, in the opinion of their relatives, was similar to that of other people who died and had never been in such homes.
  13. Moores, Weiss and Goodwin (1973) had slightly better findings with increase in comprehension of up to 61 per cent.

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