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Перевод: fingerprint speek fingerprint

отпечаток пальца; дактилоскопический отпечаток пальца; пятно от пальца;
снимать отпечатки пальцев


  1. Every surface that might have had a fingerprint was wiped, every trace they could think of expunged.
  2. It's not like a musical fingerprint where you go, "Ow, man, that's that guy's sound.'"
  3. We'll have our work cut out here taking statements from every person in this Lodge - the fingerprint boys will be after them, too.
  4. A person's individual cocktail of microflora oxidises and modifies the pheromone to produce that person's "scent fingerprint"."
  5. (Fingerprint dusting powder is used)
  6. The outline of such an axe can be measured very precisely and processed by various techniques of coordinate geometry (including, incidentally, one originally invented by marine engineers to measure the shape of ship hulls) to give a final mathematical "fingerprint" of the axe's shape.
  7. We continued our work until the fingerprint man arrived to dust that dreadful black powder everywhere.
  8. He hopes to establish a reliable chemical fingerprint of faecal decomposition to analyse faecal remains in archaeological contexts.
  9. And the FBI said it had participated only to help fingerprint the victims; yet there is an FBI report on the incident with over 200 pages blacked out for national security reasons.
  10. This composition "fingerprint" is consistently found for flint from the same mine but differs between mines.
  11. I believe that these helped to combine their characteristic voices with a small element of surprise which gave each track its own fingerprint.
  12. Fingerprint software .
  13. A fingerprint was found - but she was told it could not be used as evidence and other officers were not questioned about it, she told an industrial tribunal.

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