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Перевод: firewood speek firewood

дрова ; топливо; растопка


  1. No Highlander worth his salt would cut one down, nor will he allow his son to do so, even if it means walking many a long stretch to fetch home firewood.
  2. In many cities the price of firewood has nearly doubled in the past six years.
  3. There was, he pointed out, masses of stone and timber for building materials and firewood in abundance.
  4. For thousands of years the ocean had worked at the chalk cliffs and eventually brought down these trees, and because the place was so isolated and difficult to reach, the branches had escaped use as firewood.
  5. He was taking firewood and a large cauldron into the smithy that adjoined the cottage.
  6. They say they are prepared to extinguish only those rights of common - attached to local property and covering things like grazing cattle and collecting firewood - which apply to land on which hangars, missile shelters, nuclear bomb stores and other military installations have already been built.
  7. Thousands of people carry firewood on their heads to Ranchi every day from nearby villages.
  8. In 1975-;76, 133 million tonnes of firewood provided India with 28 per cent of its total energy.
  9. The few poor sticks that Albert had collected over the years were fit for nothing but firewood.
  10. His mother-in-law ran the shop, such as it was, for she only sold soft drinks, firewood and her speciality - home made whiting balls.
  11. "I am merely chopping firewood in the salon and beating my mistress like a gentleman."
  12. The demand for firewood now far outstrips supply.
  13. Kebin and Kaiguo also report that grazing and wood removal for firewood are prohibited near oases and villages and that these measures, plus tree planting and irrigation, have been effective in reclaiming parts of Gansu Province.

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