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Перевод: fishmeal

рыбная мук`а


  1. It's home to the vast fish plants which process two and a half million tons of fishmeal every year to be sold as animal feed.
  2. The Association for Exporters predicted that if the ban was not removed by the end of the month approximately US150,000,000 in exports would be lost, mainly in fishmeal, fish oil and canned and frozen fish products.
  3. While there is no doubt that carp can digest and like ingredients such as casein and fishmeal, they do not need such high quality ingredients in their food.
  4. The coal is sold to the fishmeal factories to fire their furnaces.
  5. It is worth noting that the beneficiaries would not be the members of the developed world: "If we stopped feeding animals on grains, soybeans and fishmeal the amount of food saved would - if distributed to those who need it - be more than enough to end hunger throughout the world" (1979: 160).
  6. If the grains, soy beans and fishmeal, which are used in the feeding of food animals in the developed world, were consumed directly by human beings then there would be something like a ninefold gain in the nutritional spin-off.
  7. Similarly, most of the Peruvian anchovy catch is turned into fishmeal to feed chickens.

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