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Перевод: fishy speek fishy

рыбий; рыбный; с рыбным привкусом; изобилующий рыбой; тусклый (о глазах); сомнительный; подозрительный


  1. "Fishy" odour, and worse
  2. And where the tins of fish are juxtaposed with fragments of Mariana's body the evocation is also of death and putrefaction, perhaps also of coarse jokes about the distinctive "fishy" smell of vaginal secretions.
  3. This is typically a thin, irritant discharge with a characteristic "fishy" odour, and any skin that comes into contact with it tends to become excoriated and sore.
  4. The salty, fishy odour of baccala (dried salt cod) hits you at the door, and there is a good selection of Spanish pork products, not forgetting chorizo sausage and serrano ham.
  5. Food: Sad decline of a fishy business: Customers are deserting Billingsgate market to buy direct from the ports, says Deirdre McQuillan
  6. At a gig in Newcastle, I was reprimanded for saying that a condom smelt "fishy", as this was deemed to be implicitly degrading to women.
  7. Brine shrimp sinking stick has also gained the five star fishy version of Egon Ronay approval.
  8. There are no crevices in which small nasties (fishy or otherwise) might be lurking.
  9. They must have thought something was fishy.
  10. Other share-dealing terminology rings immediate alarm bells: insider dealing sounds fishy and the term fan club has a threatening sound - there are too many football connotations.
  11. I was still not allowed out of doors, except on the lawn on fine days, and it must not have been the good luck of many "fishy" characters to have had their letters posted by one of "Their Lordships."
  12. "Mr Cod could be very fishy when he wanted, but he was also very nice!"
  13. She pushed the bike along the quay, sniffing the tarry, fishy air.

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