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Перевод: fizzle speek fizzle

шипящий звук; фиаско; неудача ;
слабо шипеть


  1. Fort Fizzle
  2. Its character was summarised by Joseph's warning to the defenders of Fort Fizzle in Montana:
  3. Over billions of years it will slowly fizzle out to become a black dwarf.
  4. Joseph and Looking Glass guide their cavalcade high over Fort Fizzle into Montana, 28th July 1877.
  5. The Nez Perce then descended the eastern Bitterroots into Montana on 25th July to find their path blocked by a crude stockade, subsequently dubbed "Fort Fizzle".
  6. He may well be disappointed that the whole thing seems likely to fizzle out as death by misadventure."
  7. Sadly, there are no volcanoes on the South Island of New Zealand, and the volcanic chain we have been following all round the pacific seems to fizzle out there.
  8. I watch you fizzle and burn.
  9. Lucky Jim is too confident a book to be called angry, its predominating mood a scorn for a stuffy old order about to be swept away; but some of Amis's later novels, such as Stanley and the Women (1984), which was written by a sexagenarian, fizzle with fury.
  10. ELDORADO, the BBC supersoap launched in a blaze of glory only to fizzle like a damp squib, CAN be saved.
  11. While the Nez Perce procession passed high above Fort Fizzle, a screening line of warriors exchanged shots briefly with the soldiers.
  12. Certainly, the illness would have given me plenty of opportunities to make strings of fireworks fizzle and explode in bright, whirling wheels of sulphurous pain in and behind Miller's word-jellied eyeballs.
  13. They were nervous all day and couldn't concentrate on their schoolwork; not even when Mr Litmus spilt a chemical on the floor and it started to fizzle, turning an incredible glowing blue, then splattered against the wall.

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